Thursday, September 17, 2015

Blog 5 - Interview 1 Reflection


1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  Is there anything I would do differently for other interviews?

The most important thing I learn from the first interview is that you have the power to choose on what study you want and finance and accounting are one of the main bases of a business. Well as a business if one thing from a business doesn't work it all falls down. Plus the aspect of how he joked about not having competition, I didn't expect that from he because he is close about his life. One of the biggest changes that I will make is going over the question with him before, if he didn't understand he would of ask me. 

2. Did I get additional resources and contacts?  What is the most useful?  Why?

The additional resources that my mentor Andres Jaramillo were the manuals of the accounting system the have in his business and a book he mention in the interview. The additional contacts are the production manager and Carolina the top sales person Who is not currently in Andre's  business, but she passes by every other day. Plus there are several sales persons that I can interview or discuss on what I'm will to know. The most helpful would be a little of everything because I will be needing different perspectives from people. 

3. What makes my interviewee qualified to help me?
My interviewee is qualified to help me because he is a former successful business owner and have different degrees within the business, psychology, mathematics which that would be a great Combination  for a business. 

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